March 23, 2003 - 11:28 a.m.

Since I am on a bit of a crusade myself to be thinner, healthier, and happier, I love to look around Diaryland for diaries that focus on weightloss. I find them inspiring and very helpful in my own journey.

My favorite way of finding these diaries is through diaryrings. However, I've noticed something: a large percentage of the diaries in weightloss diaryrings are pro-ana, pro-bulimia, or somehow else promote unhealthy weightloss. This disturbs me on a deep level.

So, I decided to make my own "dietdiaries" ring. The one caveat to joining is simple: your weightloss plan must be a healthy one that does not involve starving yourself, puking up everything you eat, taking stimulants, using laxatives, or any other harmful method.

When you apply to join, I will read your diary, so please don't apply if your diary is locked. No locked diaries are allowed, period. The point of a diaryring is to attract readers, to help people find other diarists like themselves. So why join if no one can read your writing?

Yeah... I'm a hard-ass. But I'm just sick of going to a diary about someone's journey to lose weight and finding that their way of going about it is to allow themselves less than 1000 calories a day and then stick their fingers down their throats if they go above that. It's not healthy, it's not a "lifestyle", and I'm not interested in being a party to promoting it.

(Oh, and I'm not in the ring myself because I don't record my weightloss. Just in case you were wondering!)

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